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2024-03-04 15:51:03


A famous Chinese department store chain, offering a wide range of consumer goods that range from clothing, furniture, home appliances, toys, cosmetics, housewares, toiletries, sporting goods, books, jewelry, electronics, and stationery to baby products. Its urgent need is to upgrade management level, enhance quality of service and hold down costs.


  • It is inconvenient to inquire relevant information about clothes for customers at the store, resulting in poor shopping experience.
  • Inventory checking by manual operations or barcode scanners leads to heavy workload and high error rate.
  • All the sales data have to be input via a fixed PC terminal, which is inefficient and error-prone. Administrators have no real-time access to those sales data to make a response to the changing market.


Configured with circular polarization antenna, RFID reading & writing and wireless communication functions, Emagine EH50 realized apparel stock-taking in bulk and real-time information inquiry for field sales. Timely data update and intelligent statistics are also easily achieved.


  • Quick response to customer needs enhanced customer shopping experience and store image.
  • Stock-taking in bulk saved time, eased off workload, helping improve efficiency.
  • Headquarters could better learn sales status and adjust marketing strategy in time.